
Header image credit: Heidi Arnhold

Hi there!

My name’s Jon Tennant, and I’m currently a final year PhD student at Imperial College London in the Department of Earth Science and Engineering. I’m a Palaeontologist by training, which means I know all the Ross from Friends jokes, and yes, I do work on dinosaurs.

My research interests focus on patterns of biodiversity and extinction in deep time, and the biological and environmental drivers of these patterns. Alongside this, I seem to have developed a keen interest in the taxonomy and evolution of crocodiles and their ancestors.


Anyone who knows me will know that I’m passionate about science communication. I like to think that science deserves to be in the public domain, and everyone should have the opportunity to learn about different research should they wish to. As such, I’m also deeply interested in current trends in open science, particularly regarding open access and open data, and the impact this has on science communication.

On this website, you can find a list of my science communication activities, including peer reviewed publications, as well as my current research highlights and interest, and experience. You can get in contact with me easily at:

Email: jon.tennant.2@gmail.com

Twitter: @protohedeghog

Thoughts on this site are my own and do not reflect those of my employers.

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